// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.sina.weibo.sdk.auth; import android.content.Context; import com.sina.weibo.sdk.utils.LogUtil; import com.sina.weibo.sdk.utils.NetworkHelper; import com.sina.weibo.sdk.utils.ResourceManager; import com.sina.weibo.sdk.utils.UIUtils; import com.sina.weibo.sdk.utils.Utility; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; // Referenced classes of package com.sina.weibo.sdk.auth: // WeiboDialog, WeiboAuthListener public class WeiboAuth { private static final String OAUTH2_BASE_URL = "https://open.weibo.cn/oauth2/authorize?"; public static final int OBTAIN_AUTH_CODE = 0; public static final int OBTAIN_AUTH_TOKEN = 1; public static final String TAG = "Weibo_web_login"; private AuthInfo mAuthInfo; private Context mContext; public WeiboAuth(Context context, AuthInfo authinfo) { mContext = context; mAuthInfo = authinfo; } public WeiboAuth(Context context, String s, String s1, String s2) { mContext = context; mAuthInfo = new AuthInfo(context, s, s1, s2); } private void startDialog(WeiboAuthListener weiboauthlistener, int i) { if (weiboauthlistener == null) { return; } LinkedHashMap linkedhashmap = new LinkedHashMap(); linkedhashmap.put("client_id", mAuthInfo.mAppKey); linkedhashmap.put("redirect_uri", mAuthInfo.mRedirectUrl); linkedhashmap.put("scope", mAuthInfo.mScope); linkedhashmap.put("response_type", "code"); linkedhashmap.put("display", "mobile"); if (1 == i) { linkedhashmap.put("packagename", mAuthInfo.mPackageName); linkedhashmap.put("key_hash", mAuthInfo.mKeyHash); } String s = (new StringBuilder("https://open.weibo.cn/oauth2/authorize?")).append(Utility.packUrl(linkedhashmap)).toString(); if (!NetworkHelper.hasInternetPermission(mContext)) { UIUtils.showAlert(mContext, "Error", "Application requires permission to access the Internet"); return; } if (NetworkHelper.isNetworkAvailable(mContext)) { (new WeiboDialog(mContext, s, weiboauthlistener, this)).show(); return; } else { String s1 = ResourceManager.getString(mContext, 2); LogUtil.i("Weibo_web_login", (new StringBuilder("String: ")).append(s1).toString()); UIUtils.showToast(mContext, s1, 0); return; } } public void anthorize(WeiboAuthListener weiboauthlistener) { authorize(weiboauthlistener, 1); } public void authorize(WeiboAuthListener weiboauthlistener, int i) { startDialog(weiboauthlistener, i); } public AuthInfo getAuthInfo() { return mAuthInfo; } public void setAuthInfo(AuthInfo authinfo) { mAuthInfo = authinfo; } private class AuthInfo { private String mAppKey; private Bundle mBundle; private String mKeyHash; private String mPackageName; private String mRedirectUrl; private String mScope; private void initAuthBundle() { mBundle = new Bundle(); mBundle.putString("appKey", mAppKey); mBundle.putString("redirectUri", mRedirectUrl); mBundle.putString("scope", mScope); mBundle.putString("packagename", mPackageName); mBundle.putString("key_hash", mKeyHash); } public String getAppKey() { return mAppKey; } public Bundle getAuthBundle() { return mBundle; } public String getRedirectUrl() { return mRedirectUrl; } public String getScope() { return mScope; } public AuthInfo(Context context, String s, String s1, String s2) { mAppKey = ""; mRedirectUrl = ""; mScope = ""; mPackageName = ""; mKeyHash = ""; mBundle = null; mAppKey = s; mRedirectUrl = s1; mScope = s2; mPackageName = context.getPackageName(); mKeyHash = Utility.getSign(context, mPackageName); initAuthBundle(); } } }